Wednesday, August 17, 2005


The pain of the loss is still there. At times I can still feel the horror of losing pictures that I spent hours trying to get just right...they almost became close friends. And to lose them in an instant is painful. Hours and hours of tweaks and adjustments that have long been forgotten so I'm still struggling with that aspect of the crash. Who knows if I'll ever have it back to the way it was. I know that I don't have nearly as much junk on the hard drive as I had when it came out of the factory. THAT part is nice. Hopefully new posts will become more regular as I start to fill the MyPictures folder of my computer with new images.


Blogger Unknown said...

I take it there was no luck in retrieving data from the old hard drive?

12:45 PM  
Blogger DeEldor said...

No there wasn't. We tried hooking up the old hard drive as a slave and got the computer to 'see' it...but no luck in accessing it. If I had been thinking quicker I would have bought the hard drive from the Dell tech and waited until the right time to send it in to the data retrieval company. However, doing that requires lots of extra cash.


8:16 PM  

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